Reconciliation Week: Creative Culture to Create a Culture

How might we create respectful and responsible futures? Members of the Gnibi Principled Design team are joined by the Dream Bigger team to think around this question. We invite you to watch along, as we yarn up what it means to be ‘in this together’ as Indigenous creatives working to engage Indigenous Youth. Please note: We are aware that engaging with this subject matter may require personal courage. We are also aware that if the subject matter intersects with a person’s life history in a particular way then an experience of personal discomfort may result. If this occurs, the important thing to do is to talk to someone. You might have your own sources of support to call on or alternatively you may email Aunty Bea Ballangarry E: or contact other Health and Emergency Contacts. SCU offers positive counselling support to both on-campus and on-line students. Details are available from: